Paper: FeatherFlame

A complete description of the DIY FeatherFlame thermocouple datalogging system, including info on field deployment and rate of spread calculations.

Paper: DIY thermocouple dataloggers are comparable to commercial systems

DIY solutions are only viable if their performance is comparable to commercial systems. This paper compares Arduino against a CR1000 with K-type thermocouples.

Product: Regional fire weather outlook

Get a daily update on what the National Weather Service expects fire weather to look like over the course of the afternoon in eastern Montana and western North Dakota.

Project: FeatherFlame

6-channel Arduino-based in-field thermocouple datalogger.

Script: Heating curves from temp-time data

Identify peaks in raw thermocouple data files and pull out heating curves.

Gear: Thermocouple supports

1m equilateral triangles to hold FeatherFlame thermocouple sensors.

Sketch: FeatherFlame

Program the Feather M0 datalogger via Arduino IDE to read and record 1-6 thermocouple probes.

Paper: Inconvenient truth about time-temp curves

Thermocouples cool slowly after the flame front passes. This is an artefact of heat release from the thermocouple itself, not a measure of residence time.

Fume Hood Fire Science

8-channel Arduino MEGA thermocouple datalogger.