Identify peaks in raw thermocouple data files and pull out heating curves.
Thermocouples are cool. They allow us to measure big changes in temperature with little effort. But wildland fire scientists must often deploy thermocouple dataloggers well before the flame front approaches them–often hours before the first driptorch is even lit–and it can be hours after mop-up before they can finally be retrieved.
Long deployment times mean that the few seconds of interesting information on fire behavior in our data files are buried among hours of useless data recording only the ambient temperature.
Unfortunately programming, hardware, and ultimately budget prevent many researchers from having dataloggers turn on and off right around the passage of the flame front, so there’s no escaping sorting through those hours of ambient data.
Even more unfortunately, it is surprisingly difficult to filter raw thermocouple data with simple data wrangling techniques. One might just filter out a minute or two on either side of peak values, but a lot of noise can enter thermocouple data files, especially if the sensors are being uncoupled and re-coupled while the unit is logging.
For example, look at this file from an Onset HOBO data logger deployed three times in one afternoon:
The file clearly contains the three peaks from the passage of each flame front, but not one represents the highest values stored in the file. Plugging and unplugging the thermocouple sensors introduced data into the file on three events.
While I can’t figure out how to automate the process fully on account of this noise, I present here a basic R function to take some of the tedium out of grabbing the meaningful information out of so much useless data.
The function proceeds as follows:
window with the time-temperature relationship in the file.tibble
of heating curve valuesAs written here the function takes two arguments:
= path to a folder that contains raw thermocouple data files (.txt
or .csv
= temperature below which to drop data as ambient readings (I used 30 C)A few notes, since this function is new and raw:
function. I’m sure there’s a better solution for that task.FP = "C://HOBO/ ... /data/"
# Call:
hc <- GetHeatingCurves(FP, 30)
R pops up an external window2 and a crosshairs.
When one clicks the left mouse button, the identify()
function will return the coordinates of the nearest datapoint.
This script identifies the point with a red caret.
Click start and endpoints for each curve.
Tip: aim below the point.
When all peaks have been identified, click Stop, then Stop locator in the upper left. The script will automatically store the endpoints and load up a new graph, or return a prompt in the console if no files remain in the directory.
Some script like this allows one to view all of the returned heating curves.
(Note the use of dplyr::unite
to simplify the facet labels):
hc %>%
unite('FileEvent', c(file, event), sep = ", fire ") %>%
ggplot() + theme_bw(14) +
geom_line(aes(x = obs, y = degC)) +
facet_wrap( ~ FileEvent, scales = 'free_x')
The full function:
GetHeatingCurves <- function(FilePath, MinTemp) {
tc_files <- list.files(FilePath)
HeatingCurves <- tibble()
for(i in 1:length(tc_files)){
rd <-
paste0(FilePath, tc_files[i]) %>%
read_csv(skip = 2, col_names = c('obs', 'timestamp', 'degC'))
plot(degC ~ obs, rd,
type = 'l', las = 1,
main = tc_files[i])
pts <- identify(rd$obs,
labels = "^",
col = "red") ;
events <-
pts %>%
as_tibble(rownames = "click") %>%
rename(obs = value) %>%
mutate( click = as.numeric(click),
rough_endpt = ifelse(FSA::is.odd(click), "start", "stop"),
file = str_remove(tc_files[i], ".csv")) %>%
group_by(rough_endpt) %>%
mutate(event = seq(1:n())) %>%
ungroup() %>%
rough_windows <- tibble()
for(e in 1:length(unique(events$event))) {
event = filter(events, event == e)
filter(rd, between(obs, event$obs[1], event$obs[2])) %>%
mutate(file = str_remove(tc_files[i], ".csv"),
event = e) %>%
select(file, event,obs, timestamp, degC) %>%
bind_rows(rough_windows) -> rough_windows
rough_windows <- filter(rough_windows, degC >= MinTemp)
rough_windows %>%
ggplot() + theme_bw(14) +
geom_line(aes(x = obs, y = degC)) +
facet_wrap(~event, scales = 'free_x')
maxes <-
rough_windows %>%
group_by(event, obs) %>%
summarize(Max = max(degC)) %>%
slice(which.max(Max)) %>%
for(e in 1:max(maxes$event)) {
m = filter(maxes, event == e)$obs
rough_windows %>%
filter(event == e ,
obs <= m) %>%
bind_rows(HeatingCurves) %>%
select(-obs) -> HeatingCurves
graphics devices, even from Rstudio. [return]